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East Muskingum Local Schools

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Essential Soft/Life Skills

John Glenn High School activities that teach/reinforce the development of the following skills. 

Good communication skills.  Are you verbally articulate? Are you a good listener? Are you able to state your case and express your needs in a way that makes a positive connection with your colleagues? 

  • =         Students are frequently asked to present individually or in groups.
  • =         Students are encouraged to ask questions and support their responses.
  • =         Students are encouraged/required to participate in class discussions.
  • =         Students are encouraged to advocate for themselves by asking questions.
  • =         Students are intentionally instructed about how to effectively communicate with someone in person or on the phone.
  • =         Students are taught how to use technical language to communicate (mathematical language).
  • =         Students are expected to effectively communicate their understanding in written, verbal and physical communication.
  • =         Students are taught the importance of communicating information in a timely fashion.
  • =         Students are taught how to effectively summarize information.
  • =         Teachers use multiple methods of communication: Google classroom, email and face to face with adults and peers.

Time management capabilities.  Are you able to prioritize your work and use your time wisely?  Are you able to multi-task (juggle) a number of projects at one time?

  • =         Students are given time constraints and deadlines for assignments and activities and are held accountable.
  • =         Students are often given "bell ringer" activities which they begin to work on prior to class beginning.
  • =         Students are taught to organize their materials to improve effective use of time.
  • =         Students are required to set time based goals. Students are required to create and maintain "To Do" lists.
  • =         Students are frequently reminded to use time efficiently.
  • =         Students are taught to prioritize assignments and activities.
  • =         Students are given a calendar syllabus of assignments and activities.
  • =         Students are held accountable with consequences when they do not effectively manage their time.
  • =         Teachers model this skill by effectively using instructional time.
  • =         Teachers are intentional in advising students not to procrastinate.

Problem solving skills. Problems will inevitably arise. Do you possess the skills necessary to solve them? Do you tackle problems instead of leaving them for someone else to unravel?

  • =         Students are expected to be able to translate words from another language that does not directly translate in a way that supports understanding.
  • =         Students are often given student-led assignments and activities that require them to effectively problem solve.
  • =         Students are frequently given general parameters with assignments and they have the freedom to decide on details of an assignment.
  • =          Students are given variety of activities that require them to think critically and creatively.
  • =         Students are questioned using strategies that frequently include hypothetical situations.
  • =         Students are required to comprehend, analyze and apply knowledge and skills through a variety of supplemental resources that present challenges that students must work through.
  • =         Students are frequently asked questions that require a deep level of understanding.
  • =         The Scientific Method requires students to problem solve.

Strong work ethic. Will you be at work on time? Are you motivated to do your best work and get the job done, no matter what?

  • =         Students must develop and demonstrate a strong work ethic to successfully complete homework, lab work, projects, presentations, summative assessments, etc…
  • =         Students are frequently praised for their effort not just their performance.
  • =         Students are intentionally exposed to historical figures that displayed a strong work ethic.
  • =         JGHS maintains high expectations for all students regardless of ability levels. Students are frequently guided toward a growth mindset from a fixed mindset.
  • =         Teachers consistently model a strong commitment to their students and frequently go beyond expectations to support students.
  • =         Teachers frequently work with students through difficult situations.
  • =         JGHS teachers establish and maintain high expectations for student performance.
  • =         Teacher instructional pacing pushes students to go further than the students thought possible.

Positive attitude. Do you have a “can do” spirit? Do you generate upbeat energy and good will? Are you optimistic?

  • =         Students are routinely taught to learn from their errors focus on continuous improvement.
  • =         Students are advised to not take themselves too seriously and have the ability to laugh at themselves.
  • =         Students are taught to recognize their limitations and be willing to accept instruction in those areas.
  • =         Students are intentionally told to do their best.
  • =         Students receive timely and positive feedback on their assignments.
  • =         Students are provided intentional messaging about the value of a positive attitude.
  • =         Students are taught about and encouraged to display a growth mindset.
  • =         Teachers regularly encourage students in a positive manner.
  • =         Teachers recognize, reinforce and reward students that display a positive attitude.
  • =         Teachers have Intentional conversations with students about the importance of staying positive.

Collaboration/Team player. Do you work well in groups? Are you cooperative? Do you value other people’s opinions or do you think your way is always best? Do you take on leadership roles when appropriate?

  • =         Students are encouraged and given opportunities to assist their peers through support and feedback In several courses.
  • =         Students are given specific roles within groups and responsible to the group for their part.
  • =         Students often share materials and they need to be mindful of their responsibility to other group members In lab settings.
  • =         Teachers are intentional in providing students the opportunity to work with others to complete an assignment or task.
  • =         Teachers at JGHS consistently and regularly spend extra time helping students to succeed.

Accept (and learn from) constructive criticism. Do you view warranted criticism as a learning experience? Are you open to listening to constructive ideas that will help you grow as a professional and as a person?

  • =         Students are provided feedback intended to help them improve their understanding and future performance in every course.
  • =         Students are encouraged to try, fail, learn and improve.
  • =         Students are often given the opportunity to do test corrections and ask questions for clarification.
  • =         Students are given opportunities to give and receive feedback from their peers in some classes.
  • =         Teachers frequently meet with students individually to guide and promote their growth.
  • =         Teachers often use rubrics to guide students toward expectations.
  • =         Teachers use both formative and summative assessment data to guide instruction.
  • =         Teachers often request and receive feedback from students.

Flexible and adaptable. Do you embrace change and new challenges? Are you open to new ideas? Are you able to adapt to new situations?

  • =         Students are required to adjust to different expectations and requirements.
  • =         Students are taught to be open-minded and to seriously consider other cultures and opinions in several classes.
  • =         Students are heavily involved in several groups and must develop skills to be effective in a variety of situations and settings.
  • =         Students are given the opportunity to take college courses in addition to their high school courses and must be willing to be flexible with their time.
  • =         Teachers, on a regular basis, model this characteristic as they gather feedback from students and adjust their activities and strategies.
  • =         Teachers frequently adjust their pacing based on the student's readiness.

Work well under pressure and stress. Pressure and stress are hallmarks of many professions. Are you able to do your best work when you are up against a deadline? Can you come through in an emergency situation?

  • =         Students are intentionally taught time management, organization, note taking, test-taking strategies and study skills to reduce their stress with expectations from high school courses.
  • =         Students are taught strategies to find ways to make any situation positive.
  • =         Students are encouraged to share their needs and concerns in many classes.
  • =         Students are frequently asked to present to their teacher and peers.
  • =         Students are instructed to stay on top of assignments and deadlines so that they can effectively manage their time and resources.
  • =         Students are given several activities and assignments designed to allow them to experience stressful situations.
  • =         Students are exposed to coping skills to deal with stressful situations.
  • =         Teachers are intentional in establishing and maintaining high expectations for student's performance and behavior.

Compassion/Empathy. Display a genuine interest in the feelings and well-being of others. Are you willing to consider the opinions and needs of others?

  • =         Students are intentionally made aware of the challenges and struggle in other cultures in order to raise awareness and empathy.
  • =         Students are frequently reminded to treat others with respect.
  • =         Students are given multiple opportunities to learn about and give to various causes and organizations.
  • =         Students have the opportunity to join a variety of clubs and organizations that support a variety of worthy causes and community needs.
  • =         Students are intentionally taught to consider another person’s perspective.
  • =         Teachers are intentional in modeling this characteristic to their students.
  • =         Teachers are intentional in getting to know students and their 'stories.' 

Loyalty/Consistency. Experiences and work history that indicate an interest in staying in place and not job hopping in search of greener pastures.

  • =         Students are encouraged to get connected to their school and community.
  • =         Students are taught that they are representatives of JGHS as they participate in activities outside of the school and school day.
  • =         Students are taught that the best way to get where they want to go is to do the best they can where they are.
  • =         Teachers establish and maintain clear expectations.
  • =         Teachers demonstrate consistency in their treatment of students.
  • =         Teachers intentionally lead discussions where students are taught to be who they say they are.
  • =         Teachers establish and maintain routine procedures.

Grit/Resiliency. Do you have the ability to persevere through obstacles and bounce back from setbacks?

  • =         Students are frequently told that their education is more of a process than a product and that failure is often the most effective learning motivation.
  • =         Students are taught to appreciate the value of the struggle.
  • =         Students are given assignments and activities that require resilience.
  • =         Teachers provide students with authentic feedback that is not always what they want to hear.
  • =         Teachers are intentional about putting students in situations where they must overcome obstacles.