A- | School Grade  |
John Glenn High School is committed to providing the best quality educational experience possible for our students and our community stakeholders. We will consistently reflect on our practices and performance to evaluate our progress and will continuously discuss and explore methods and strategies to improve. We are dedicated to serving all areas of our students: academically, artistically, athletically, socially and emotionally. John Glenn High School and East Muskingum Schools has a long legacy of preparing our students for the next phase(s) of their lives.
The highly qualified and dedicated faculty and staff at John Glenn High School go above and beyond to serve the students and families in our district. If you have any concerns regarding your student’s educational experience at JGHS, please call the school at (740) 826-7641. We look forward to working with our parents and community to continue and improve the highly-respected reputation of East Muskingum Schools.
Educate, Motivate, Graduate
B | State-Mandated End of Course Exam Achievement |
The End of Course Exam Achievement Component represents whether student performance on state tests met established thresholds and how well students performed on tests overall. During their time as a high school student, seven end-of-course exams are administered: English Language Arts I and II, Algebra I, Geometry, Biology, American History and American Government. In order to earn a high school diploma, following this pathway, students must accumulate a minimum of 18 points. (At least 4 points on ELA I and II, At least 4 points in Algebra I and Geometry and at least 6 points in Biology, American History and American Government. These exams are administered in the Spring of the year the student is enrolled in the course. Students that do not score a 3 or higher (1-5 scale) are eligible to retake the exam the following Fall.
We are focused on analyzing our student’s results and using that information to change our teaching practices if necessary to help more students score at the proficient or higher level. Each year we provide additional intervention for those students that are short of the number of points needed to receive their JGHS diploma.
2017, 2018, 2019 MVL Quiz Bowl Champions
A | Attendance |
Encouraging regular school attendance is one of the most powerful ways to prepare students for success—both in school and in life. When school attendance is a priority, students earn better grades, develop healthy life habits, avoid dangerous behavior and have a better chance of graduating from high school.
When students are absent for fewer days, their grades and reading skills often improve—even among those students who are struggling in school. Students who attend school regularly also feel more connected to their community, develop important social skills and friendships, and are significantly more likely to graduate from high school, setting them up for a strong future.
In an effort to improve school attendance, parents are contacted by phone each day that the student is absent from school. In addition, parents receive additional correspondence when their student meets stated thresholds for absences. Even though students will be provided with materials missed when they are absent, it does not fully compensate for the missed instruction of the teacher on the day of the absence. We regularly encourage parents to schedule appointments and other activities, such as vacations, so that they have the least impact on student attendance. We regularly recognize those students that demonstrate a commitment to excellent attendance.
B+ | Student Involvement/Connectedness/Positive School Culture |
Student involvement with a school activity increases positive peer relationships which can boost a student’s self-confidence and overall feelings of connectedness with the school and with learning. A multitude of research has shown that students who participate in after-school activities show improved self-esteem and sense of belonging. In part, this is because organized extracurricular activities create opportunities for students to be connected with their peers and school staff.
John Glenn High School has a variety of extracurricular offerings such as athletics, band, choir and orchestra. In addition, JGHS has a variety of clubs that are student-created and student-led with a staff member sponsor for supervision. Involvement in any of these types of groups can boost peer relations, connectedness to the building, give students an area of interest to set goals, and even teach leadership skills. JGHS recognizes the benefits to students involved in these programs and provides a wide variety of opportunities for students to get connected and involved. Our students are very supportive and accepting of their classmate’s interests and activities.
The faculty and staff at JGHS are intentional about creating a supportive and welcoming environment. Every day students start their day with Pride period. The primary objective of the Pride Period is to facilitate an opportunity for the teacher to build a relationship with the students that are assigned to them. The goal is to become knowledgeable about their unique “story” and become an advocate for them above and beyond what is possible in the traditional role of classroom teacher. Unfortunately, many of our students come to us from situations in which school is the most stable, and possibly the only, consistent support structure in an increasingly challenging society. As educators we need to serve our students’ academic, social, physical and emotional needs when necessary.
A | Graduation Rate |
The Graduation Rate component looks at the percent of students who successfully met the local and state requirements to receive a John Glenn High School diploma in four years. Earning your high school diploma is important – more important than many people realize. Today, you can’t do much without having a high school diploma.
Here are reasons why getting your high school diploma is important: 1. Career Opportunities, 2. Furthering Your Education, 3. Higher Salary 4. Getting and Staying Employed
According to research, graduating from high school will determine how well you live for the next 50 years of your life. High school graduates earn $143 more per week than high school dropouts. College graduates earn $336 more per week than high school graduates ($479 more per week than high school dropouts).
Statistics show that individuals who complete high school in four years are less likely to be unemployed. According to a recent study, people who never completed high school had a 16.3% unemployment rate eight years later. During those same 8 years, the unemployment rate among those who earned their diplomas within four years was dramatically lower at only 4.7%.
Each grading period teachers are required to identify students they believe are at-risk for not receiving a passing grade for their course. They then intervene with the student in an effort to support their academic performance and must log their intervention efforts. In addition, we have a certified teacher assisting students to recovery lost required credits utilizing the rigorous APEX online curriculum. Our school counselors and Pride teachers also monitor their student’s academic progress and meet with students when needed.
B- | Student/Parent/Community Engagement |
Many researchers recognize the important role that strong positive bond between homes and schools, play in the development and education of children. The theories put forward have been supported, and reaffirmed, by numerous studies that have shown that good cooperation between schools, homes and the communities can lead to academic achievement for students, as well as to reforms in education. JGHS actively and intentionally involves students, parents and the community through a variety of activities, meetings and communications.
Unfortunately, parent involvement tends to diminish as students move through their academic path. At John Glenn High School, we are interested in receiving suggestions as to how we can improve and maintain parent engagement. Parents participate actively and essentially in various co-curricular and extra-curricular booster groups. We frequently invite speakers from the community to come into our school and engage the community through various educational field trips.
A | Prepared for Success |
Whether training in a technical field or preparing for work or college, the Prepared for Success component looks at how well prepared JGHS’s students are for all future opportunities. The John Glenn High School Faculty and Staff are committed to preparing students to be successful in pursuing their college and/or career interests. This information tracks the percentage of JGHS graduates that immediately enroll in 2 or 4 year colleges/universities, find gainful employment immediately following graduation or choose to enlist in one of the branches of the military. We are confident and proud to report that our students frequently talk positively about the preparation they received at JGHS. Employers and college/university representatives share that JGHS graduates are well-prepared for work and continuing their education.
Students of all abilities and interests will receive high-quality instruction and guidance in areas of content and skills needed to allow them to pursue their desired future.
For those students that plan to continue their education beyond high school, JGHS offers a full schedule of college preparatory (CP), advanced placement (AP) and college credit plus (CCP) course offerings. In addition, our teachers recognize the importance of the ACT in determining what educational opportunities and financial support they may earn for their academic/artistic/athletic abilities. The JGHS Class of 2018 received more than $4,000,000 to continue their education over the next four years.
The JGHS students that plan to enter the workforce upon graduation are still able to take courses of interest and develop essential skills needed to become a successive and productive member of their communities. These life skills will provide them with a solid foundation in preparation for the rest of their lives.
A | ACT Achievement |
We know that SAT and ACT scores are important to help students get into college, but we often don’t know to what degree are they important and rarely do we imagine that these scores will have any implication beyond the immediate future – but they do.
There are 3 reasons that higher scores are important to your student’s future.
1. Test scores are critical to a student’s college opportunities. In 2014, UCLA received over 80,000 applications for approximately 5,000 available seats in the freshman class. Whether you believe that standardized tests are a proper measure of a student’s ability or not is irrelevant. It’s impossible for UCLA’s admissions officers to read upwards of 160,000 essays and sift through every applicant’s high school transcript. The bottom line is this: the numerical measures matter. ACT test scores are very important if your student is planning to go to college, he or she will need to take the SAT or ACT. Putting your very best possible score on your application is imperative.
2. There is money in your test score. Merit-based financial aid and many scholarships are based in large part upon a student’s SAT or ACT score. The money that you spend on test prep can be returned to you eight-fold or ten-fold through financial aid and scholarships
3. Some employers require SAT & ACT scores well beyond graduation. The Wall Street Journal recently reported that many companies require applicants to submit their test scores on their resume. The strangest part about this practice is that there have been no studies proving any correlation between higher scores and better performance in the workplace, but the perceived value of a higher score is priceless.
In an effort to support student’s performance on the ACT, Mr. Frank uses his Pride period time to prep those juniors and seniors who would like to improve their score. The students that take advantage of this opportunity frequently report a multiple point improvement on their next administration of the test. In addition, all of our college preparatory courses are aligned to the ACT and other relevant standards.
A | Essential Soft/Life Skills |
Increasing importance is being placed on soft skills – personal attributes that enable you to interact well with other people. Here are the reasons why soft skills are more important than ever:
In most jobs, technical skills alone are not enough to be truly effective. A salesperson with an unrivalled knowledge of their product and market will have little success if they don’t have the interpersonal skills needed to close deals and retain clients. A business manager needs to be able to listen to employees, have good speaking skills, and be able to think creatively. All careers require at least some soft skills to make the hard skills valuable.
Hard skills aren’t necessarily hard to acquire. They can be easily taught, and can be learned and perfected over time. Soft skills are more challenging to develop, since they have little to do with knowledge or expertise, but are closely linked with a person’s character. It takes conscious effort, ongoing practice, and a commitment to self-development to improve your soft skills. Hard skills may look impressive on your resume, but the soft skills are what will set you apart from the many candidates who have similar expertise to you.
Skills such as listening, collaborating with others, presenting ideas and communicating with team members are all highly valued in the modern workplace. Strong soft skills ensure a productive, collaborative and healthy work environment, all vital attributes for organizations in an increasingly competitive world.
The modern market offers consumers an unlimited number of choices through technologies such as the internet and smartphones. For these consumers, convenience and low prices are easy to come by, so customer service is often what influences the choice to use a particular business. The ability to communicate efficiently and effectively with customers is therefore a vital factor in an organization’s success.
Automation and artificial intelligence will result in a greater proportion of jobs relying on soft skills. Thanks to cutting-edge technology, tasks that require hard skills are continuing to decline, making soft skills key differentiators in the workplace.
At JGHS, our portrait of a graduate would mean that our students have developed and strengthen their life skills in the areas of: Communication, Time Management, Problem Solving, Strong Work Ethic, Positive Attitude, Collaboration, Accepting and Learning from Feedback, Flexibility, Handling Stress, Compassion/Empathy, Loyalty and Grit/Resilience.