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Voice Recognition

East Muskingum Local Schools

Proud of Our Past, Providing for Our Future

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Title I


TITLE I-A Improving Basic Programs is a supplemental program which originated with Federal
legislation in the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. The purpose of Title I is
to enable schools to provide opportunities for selected students to acquire the knowledge and
basic skills contained in the content standards and to meet the challenging state performance
standards developed for all children, particularly in reading.
All students who receive Title I services are selected based on multiple data points at the
beginning of the school year. Services are based on the students with the most need. Students in
Kindergarten through 4 th grade received these intervention services during the 2023-2024 school
year. Staff and parents are in consultation concerning students selected for these programs.
Students work with educators who meet the definition of highly qualified teachers. These
educators provide parents with educational materials during the school year to help students be
successful. This may come through individual and group meetings that are held during the school
year, report cards, conferences, and newsletters. Parents who are unable to attend meetings
during the scheduled times are encouraged to request a different meeting time and these will be
accommodated. Additionally, parents may request information in their native language.
In the fall of 2023, 3rd Grade English Language Assessment, 71% of East Muskingum students
were proficient or higher on the full measure assessment. On the spring 2024 assessment 82% of
students achieved the proficient score and higher. All student performance data is available from
Title I staff at each building and will be shared at each building’s annual Title I parent meeting.
Parent involvement and input is vital to the success of the program. The District Parent
Participation Policy can be located on the District website.
TITLE II-A Supporting Effective Instruction funds are used to improve teacher quality through
professional development and training, as well as class size reduction.
TITLE IV-A Student Support and Academic Enrichment supports student learning and safety.