7217 - WEAPONS
The Board of Education prohibits visitors from possessing, storing, making, or using a weapon, including a concealed weapon, in a school safety zone and any setting that is under the control and supervision of the Board for the purpose of school activities approved and authorized by the Board including, but not limited to, property leased, owned, or contracted for by the Board, a school-sponsored event, or in a Board-owned vehicle.
The term "weapon" means any object which, in the manner in which it is used, is intended to be used, or is represented, is capable of inflicting serious bodily harm or property damage, as well as endangering the health and safety of persons. Weapons include, but are not limited to, firearms, guns of any type, including air and gas-powered guns, (whether loaded or unloaded), knives, razors, clubs, electric weapons, metallic knuckles, martial arts weapons, ammunition, and explosives.
The Superintendent shall refer a visitor who violates this policy to law enforcement officials and may take any necessary steps to exclude the visitor from Board property and Board-sponsored events, regardless of whether such visitor possesses a valid concealed weapon license.
Exceptions to this policy include:
| A. | weapons under the control of law enforcement personnel; |
| B. | items approved by a principal as part of a class or individual presentation under adult supervision, if used for the purpose of and in the manner approved (working firearms and ammunition shall never be approved); |
| C. | theatrical props used in appropriate settings; |
| D. | starter pistols used in appropriate sporting events. |
The Board directs the Superintendent to post notices prohibiting the carrying and possession of concealed weapons in a school safety zone, including schools and school buildings, on school premises and school buses, and at school activities. The notices shall contain a statement substantially in the following form:
| Unless otherwise authorized by law, pursuant to Ohio Revised Code 2923.122, no person shall knowingly possess, have under the person’s control, convey, or attempt to convey a deadly weapon or dangerous ordnance into a school safety zone. | |
The Superintendent shall conspicuously post such notices at each entrance of a school and/or school building and in areas inside the building where visitors are required to report. Notices shall also be posted at each entrance leading into a school activity (particularly those activities held outside of the school building) and parcel of land. Further, notices shall be posted in each school bus and other Board-owned vehicle, including a school van.
R.C. 2923.12, 2923.122, 2923.22, 3313.20, 2923.1961, 2923.122, 2923.19
18 U.S.C. 922
Revised 7/31/03
Revised 8/28/06